Monday, June 26, 2006

Police Reform: Problem as I see it...

Police Reform: Not All Work

Not All Work

Not surprisingly, I do not spend 24/7 on police matters. As a diversion I thought that I would explore the esoteric world of Linux OS. As with any tribal group, there is a language to learn, one of the first is self-reference... I am a "newbie" (hauntingly close to a "Newman" I suspect) most, I can surf and I can email but little else. So, as a challenge, I wanted to create a "dual boot" system on my laptop, that is, create a laptop environment where I could wander freely without looking through windows.

The first step was to decide upon what Linux to use, like an ever-evolving organism there is a plethora from which to choose. Be that as it may, I chose Debian (my reasons seem rational enough to me, but I leave it up to others to debate the pros and cons of my decision).

Downloading Devian ISO images was easy, so easy in fact that I downloaded the CD as well as the DVD. I used Partition Magic 7 to partition my hard drive (basically just pointed, clicked and used the suggested partitions) and then installed the Debian OS from the 1st CD. And re-installed, and re-installed, learning from each until I was able to complete the task. Any problems, and there were no major ones, I was able to resolve through researching the numerous help groups online.

So, at this point, I am writing with Mozilla to my Blog running off the Debian OS. My next task is to install Open Office. The process has started....